District Details for North Carolina
An average of 62% of population-weighted precinct assignments are the same for comparison notable maps and the root map:
- The Most Proportional map: 66.2%
- The Most Competitive map: 54.1%
- The Best Minority map: 54.9%
- The Most Compact map: 71.7%
- The Least Splitting map: 63.9%
These tabs compare the district boundaries of official map and the five notable maps with the root map:
This is the official map:
These are the common core districts shared between the Official and Root maps that have the maximum total population:
This is the most proportional map:
These are the common core districts shared between the Proportional and Root maps that have the maximum total population:
This is the most competitive map:
These are the common core districts shared between the Competitive and Root maps that have the maximum total population:
This is the best minority map:
These are the common core districts shared between the Minority and Root maps that have the maximum total population:
This is the most compact map:
These are the common core districts shared between the Compact and Root maps that have the maximum total population: