The method for generating root districts that we developed evolved through an exploratory process. Note that in all cases we used Cartesian (flat earth) calculations, as opposed to geodesic (spherical) calculations. Over short distances, these calculations are sufficiently accurate for our purposes. This is the rough arc of the evolution:
- Alec started trying to port Andrew Spann, Dan Gulotta, Daniel Kane’s C code to Python. But he could never quite get the solver to reliably work with multiple states.
- When Todd got involved, he found and implemented Balzer’s algorithm for computing Voronoi tessellations, adapting it slightly to redistricting. With that in hand, we proceeded through a series of experiments.
- He got Balzer to work with single pass, using census blocks.
- But Balzer starts with some randomly generated assumptions, which may lead to different ending equilibria. So we started doing multiple runs (100), used those runs to find characteristic district centroids, and then did a final finish run using those centroids as starting points.
- At some point, we switched to simply choosing the best among competing minima.
- Not surprisingly in retrospect, the block granularity resulted in a huge number of split precincts — basically every precinct along every district boundary!
- Alec realized that he was forgetting a redistricting fundamental — that precincts (VTDs) are basically the atomic unit of assignment, except when a few are split to achieve extreme population equality. So he updated his scripts to use precincts instead of blocks.
- This resolved the split precincts problem, but introduced another one: stray precincts from one district were occassionally embedded within another adjacent district (near the shared boundary). IOW, the resulting districts for states were not always contiguous.
- Another related issue was that, in a few cases — notably LA and WA — the shapes of states were significantly concave and districts spanned the concavity.
- These issues prompted us modify the pure Balzer approach of randomly assigning the precincts to districts to assigning them based on a real, contiguous map and then running Balzer on the precincts maintaining contiguity across all swaps. Unfortunately, it seemed that this approach was very sensitive to the map chosen to establish the initial precinct-to-district assignments.
- To regain the benefit of random seeds and multiple iterations, Todd created a multi-pass approach very similar to the one described below.
- To generalize the approach to states with water-only precincts — e.g., MD and MI — Alec identified and removed them from the data and graphs. Todd’s code did not have to change. That let us handle most other states.
- However, we ultimately ran into issues with unpopulated land surrounding populated precincts, e.g., in KS, NV, and UT. This prompted us to further revise the approach to zero population precincts which Todd’s process had ignored. Rather than remove them, we started assigning them infinitesimally small populations so they would be assigned to districts in the normal course of processing and connectivity would be maintained.
Along the way, we also tried using blockgroups (BGs) instead of blocks, but ultimately snapped to precincts (VTDs), except in a few states (CA, OR, and WV) where we used BGs because they don’t have VTDs, i.e., we used BGs as their precincts.
This is the method as it stands today (elliding I/O details):
- Generate random district centroids (“sites”, in Balzer terminology).
- Iteratively find the unassigned precinct closest to a district/site that hasn’t yet reached its population target and assign that precinct to that district. Theses results may not be contiguous.
- Run Balzer again, to create the lowest energy contiguous set of assignments, still possibly not ‘roughly equal’ in population. Rebalance the assignments so that the districts remain contiguous and now are ‘roughly equal’ in population. Run Balzer a third time, to create population balanced, contiguous, lowest energy assignments.
- The previous steps leave some precincts split across districts. This final step is to un-split those precincts by making them entirely assigned to one district or the other. The heuristic tries to keep districts as balanced as possible while re-assigning these populations.
- We do this 100 times, and then pick the best (lowest energy) of the 100 runs that satisfies the other constraints (contiguous, population deviation less than 2%).